Thursday, November 29, 2012

Black Friday revisited

Remember your priorities
during the Christmas rush

By Denise Rasche ‘13

            Well, it’s that time again! Christmas is a little under a month away and the stores are being flooded with holiday shoppers. One day started off all this madness. Black Friday has passed and now things have calmed down.
The night that started it all was very hectic in my experience. And there is always one incident that happens to me each year. Last year, a woman stole my shopping cart and I had to chase after her to get it back.
This year was much worse. I was in the Bed Bath and Beyond on Colerain Avenue. I was trying to get a comforter off of a high shelf when another lady was standing close behind me.
I accidentally dropped the comforter and it landed on her head. She screamed at me and shoved me into a wall that was behind me. I yelled and then sneaked away while she was complaining to some of her friends.
Now, I love Black Friday -- but this year was very competitive and hectic compared to other years that I have gone shopping with my family. I will still go next year … but some people take this waaaaaay too seriously.
The day after we give thanks for what we have, we fight over the newest TV or video game console! People need to cool their jets and have fun with their families on this day. They should be thankful because not everyone has what they do.
We need to get our priorities tuned to the things we can't replace with money. I know that's what matters the most to me.

Monday, November 26, 2012

One Act plays this weekend

Badin to present two One Act plays

By Matilde Starklit ‘14

This coming weekend, Badin will present two One Act plays in the Little Theater. Directors Christopher Pickerill and Morgan Walker have been hard at work perfecting one show – Harry’s Hotter at Twilight -- for the past several weeks.
The background of the first play is a mash-up between Twilight and Harry Potter. In the play, sophomore Lauren Ahr plays the main star, Stella. Two guys, freshman Robert Weatherington and senior Christopher Pickerill, play Edward and The Hot Shirtless Guy who fight for Stella’s love. There is a lot of drama and action that goes down in this one act followed by many comical lines. Make sure you don’t miss whom Stella picks in the end!
That is one of two plays that will be presented. The other is entitled “How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying”, directed by seniors Colleen Monaghan and Daniel Fabelo. This play is put on by the Speech and Drama class of Mr. O’Hara.
The plays are scheduled for Thursday and Friday nights, Nov. 29-30, at 7:30 p.m. There is a matinee on Sunday, Dec. 2, at 2 p.m. The theater is dark on Saturday. Cost of the show is $5. Tickets are sold at the door.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hockey talks back on

Things looking up for NHL?

By Emily Swanson ‘14

The National Hockey League has been on a lockout for about two months now and things are starting to look up.

The lockout for the 2012-2013 season began on Sept.16 at 12:01 AM. The issue is still the same, splitting up the $3.3 billion revenue between the players and the owners. Over 100 games have now been canceled since the stalemate began in September.

On Oct. 16 the NHL presented a new deal to the players, hoping to end the lockout. The proposal split the revenue 50-50, and included the fact that players would not see a rollback of existing deals. Two days later, on Oct. 18, the NHL Players Association made three counter-proposals that were quickly dismissed by the league.

            Through Nov. 1, a grand total of 135 games had been scratched. There is no room left to play a full 82-game season.

 Full negotiations took place between the two sides in New York on Nov. 6-7. This created some optimism for the league and a glimmer of hope for die-hard fans. Up to that point, the NHL and the players union hadn’t talked since Oct. 18 when both sides turned down offers.

            People are hopeful when negotiators believe the NHL labor agreement can be quickly wrapped up once both sides have some sort of breakthrough in talks.

Friday, November 9, 2012

'Rock of Ages' rocks!

Cruise makes ‘Rock of Ages’ a hit!

By Denise Rasche ‘13

            Tom Cruise stars in an older new movie where he plays the famous rocker Stacie Jaxx who inspires two teenagers, Drew and Sherrie, to pursue their dreams of being rock and roll stars.
The story also includes a bar owner named Dennis who is played by Alec Baldwin and his lover Lonny played by Russell Brand.
The movie includes remixes of classic rock songs by Jon Bon Jovi, Journey, and many other great bands. The songs are done the same way they were recorded but with different voices. Most of the characters sing, which is surprising because actors like Alec Baldwin and Tom Cruise do not usually sing in their careers.
I was a little scared of Tom Cruise's character, Stacie Jaxx, because he is constantly with women and frightening his groupies just with his personality. In one scene, I was pretty sure Jaxx was going to rape one of the characters!
It was very creepy but worthwhile if you like classic rock.
The songs were fantastic with the voices of Julianne Hough, Mary J. Blige -- and surprisingly Tom Cruise was also one of my favorite singers! All of the singers do their songs without a voiceover.
The entire story is about the battle between the local churches and politicians, and the rock and roll groupies. The mayor's wife even protests Stacie Jaxx's rule over the music industry, claiming that his music is bad for the society.
Altogether this was a great film for teenagers who want to learn more about classic rock music!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Liturgical Music Group returns

Liturgical Music Group
brings perfect pitch to Badin Masses

By Denise Rasche ‘13

The Liturgical Music Group is at it again!
 They were stopped when Mrs. Connie Ehrnschwender, the group’s leader for the past few years, retired when her daughter, Molly, graduated in 2012.
The group fell apart at the beginning of this year when they struggled to find a leader. There was even mention of trying to get Mr. Dexter Carpenter, the wrestling coach, to lead the group because of his fantastic singing skills. The final result was to get Ms. Elaina Brown, the music teacher, to lead and organize the Liturgical Music Group.
 They have now played twice, and I believe the new leader will be welcomed and thanked for leading this fun and exciting group! They made their comeback when they made their debut at the Unity Mass. They played a variety of songs like "God Has Chosen Me", the "Alleluia", and "Take this Bread". Singers include seniors Tori Getz and Colleen Monaghan, junior Emily Ullman, and sophomore Anna Schindler. Senior Jacob Richter is on guitar.
I think that they are definitely better than last year. The group is more unified even though one of our major guitarists, the ukuleles, and especially one of the voices is gone from Badin due to graduation last year. But they have also picked up two new sound system guys that will surely help out a lot at Mass this year.
The Unity Mass was certainly a good kickoff for the Liturgical Music Group! I think that I will try to return to my former group soon!
(Denise Rasche played guitar in the group for the past three years.)

Monday, November 5, 2012

10 Questions with Jacob Meinzer

10 Questions with Jake Meinzer

Jacob “Jake” Meinzer is the president of the senior class. Emily Swanson asked him 10 questions so we could get to know him better.

By Emily Swanson ‘14

1. What do you like most about being senior class president?
 “What I like most is the sense of accomplishment. There’s a great feeling that comes along with working with the leaders of my class and knowing that I got to play a significant role.”

2.What do you find most challenging about being class president?
 “Trying to find a general consensus on dates and times for working on class activities is definitely the most challenging. I’ve learned how involved everyone at Badin is and it makes bringing everyone together at once difficult.”

3.What’s your favorite memory from Badin?
“My favorite memory of Badin is from freshman year. It was our first home game and I wasn’t sure what to expect -- but that is when I really learned what Badin is all about. I saw the upperclassmen leading cheers and everyone was united behind our town and it was then that I realized that Badin was a family. I had always heard it, but that was the first time that I understood it.”

4.What will you miss about Badin when you graduate?
 “Badin has become my home, and I am very comfortable here. As much as I want to experience college, I know that I’m going to miss being in a place that’s so familiar.”

5. What do you like to do when you’re not busy with school?
 “When I’m not busy with school I do what most people do and hang out with my friends. If I’m not with them then I’m usually trying to catch up on sleep.”

6. How do you balance school and personal life?
“It’s difficult to balance school and personal life, and occasionally one or the other suffers if I’m not careful. I have found, though, that if I don’t procrastinate on my work then I usually have fairly open weekends.”

7. What’s one thing most people might not know about you?
“One thing that most people probably don’t know about me is that I like to cook.”

8. Do you have any plans for college yet?
 “As of now I’m going to Miami Oxford but I haven’t decided on a major yet.”

9. Favorites - tv, movies, sports etc?
 “I don’t have a favorite movie but if I get the opportunity to pick I’ll always choose a comedy.”

10. Any advice for underclassmen?
 “If I could give one piece of advice to underclassmen it would be to get involved early. I didn’t get involved until sophomore year and I regret it. Go to games, join clubs, and do what sounds interesting because you will realize it’s ultimately what makes you happy.”

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Another hit by Mumford & Sons!

Mumford and Sons release another hit album!

By Denise Rasche ‘13

Mumford and Sons’ new album is a hit! The new album “Bable” came out Sept. 24 and is already flying off the shelves!
Most of their music is considered to be folk but this album should be labeled as mostly lullabies and fight songs. Mumford came out with their first album "The Cave" in January 2010. This music is obviously catching on.
The new album is a sure-fire good album. The only thing that I think is wrong with it is that some of the songs are really long and they get boring sometimes -- but if you are a really big fan of Mumford, you will love this album. The new release includes the songs, Holland Road, I Will Wait, and Babel.
Mumford and Sons is one of the best artists in today's music in my opinion. It is inspirational, sad, calming, and dancing music. Mumford definitely will fit anyone's style of music.
I understand that in this economy, not many people will go out and buy the new music -- but if I had to choose what I would buy, Mumford would definitely be my first choice. This is altogether a very worthwhile album to listen to.