Monday, November 26, 2012

One Act plays this weekend

Badin to present two One Act plays

By Matilde Starklit ‘14

This coming weekend, Badin will present two One Act plays in the Little Theater. Directors Christopher Pickerill and Morgan Walker have been hard at work perfecting one show – Harry’s Hotter at Twilight -- for the past several weeks.
The background of the first play is a mash-up between Twilight and Harry Potter. In the play, sophomore Lauren Ahr plays the main star, Stella. Two guys, freshman Robert Weatherington and senior Christopher Pickerill, play Edward and The Hot Shirtless Guy who fight for Stella’s love. There is a lot of drama and action that goes down in this one act followed by many comical lines. Make sure you don’t miss whom Stella picks in the end!
That is one of two plays that will be presented. The other is entitled “How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying”, directed by seniors Colleen Monaghan and Daniel Fabelo. This play is put on by the Speech and Drama class of Mr. O’Hara.
The plays are scheduled for Thursday and Friday nights, Nov. 29-30, at 7:30 p.m. There is a matinee on Sunday, Dec. 2, at 2 p.m. The theater is dark on Saturday. Cost of the show is $5. Tickets are sold at the door.